Do you have COVID-19
Being that there is no vaccine, stay safe. Therefore, stay 6 feet or more away from other as COVID-19 spreads through droplets produced when an infected person coughs, talks or sneezes. The list provided in this article is the latest information taken from the CDC website and should be used to see if you have COVID-19. Keep in mind, there are those who will carry the virus and will show zero symptoms.
Everyone Should:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- It’s especially important to wash:
- Before
- Eating or preparing food
- Touching your face
- After
- Using the restroom
- Leaving a public place
- Blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
- Handling your cloth face covering
- Changing a diaper
- Caring for someone sick
- Touching animals or pets
Have COVID-19?, please follow doctors orders to get well and keep others safe. In fact, more resources are available for you now that more is known who have COVID-19.
Clean & Disinfect
Frequent cleaning is necessary. Surfaces that you touch frequently, must be cleaned and also sanitized often. Use soap and water to clean dirty surfaces. After cleaning, you must disinfect to kill harmful pathogens from non porous surfaces. Importantly, you want to clean and disinfect areas like toilets, food prep areas, door knobs, and light switches. Eventually, you will have this routine down. Most common EPA-registered household disinfectantsexternal icon
will work on the virus if used as directed. Also, wash your towels and bed sheets regularly too.
Don’t Want to Have COVID-19
Cases are on the rise, and you probably know people who have COVID-19. Soap and water is always best to use. Hand sanitizer containing 60% alcohol is an alternative when soap and water is not available. Avoid anyone you know that is sick even if they are in your household. Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands. If you must leave your home, wear a mask and put 6 feet of distance between you and others. If you have underlying conditions and are at higher risk for contracting COVID- 19, minimize your exposure to others as much as possible. Please do not use surgical masks and N95 respirators so that they are available for healthcare workers.
In Conclusion
To sum up. Are you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms? Thenvget tested as soon as you can. Follow your doctor’s orders once you are confirmed positive that you do have COVID-19. There are more resources for you now as more is known about COVID- 19. For now, stay safe and keep others safe. Eat well, exercise and practice social distancing. Call friends and family, especially those who live alone. Avoid large crowds and wear a mask when out taking care of your essential business.